Hope everyone had a good holiday season and New Year and that everyone is staying warm and healthy.
Our next NYU Publishing meetup will be held on Monday, 2/1, at 6:30 p.m.; venue to be decided. Save the date, send us round-robin questions, and hope to see you there. I will be sending out a Facebook invite shortly, but if you're not on FB, please RSVP via e-mail.
As some of you may know, the NYU Publishing Association has a blog that we haven't done much with. Along those lines, we are looking for a member who would be willing to report on our events for the blog and also breathe some life into it with interesting stories, features, etc. So if you enjoy writing, can commit to attending our events, and are interested in helping us out, please send us a sample of your writing and some proposed ideas for our blog.
Until next time,
Karina, Joanne, Ania, and Karen