Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The E-Reader vs. The Book: Aren't They on the Same Team?

by guest blogger, Jennifer Dawson

That was the topic of conversation at the June meeting of the New York University Publishing Alumni Association. For most in attendance, the answer to the aforementioned question was yes. While the majority did not own an e-reader and admitted that they had no desire to run right out and purchase one, the role e-readers will play in the future of the publishing industry is quite clear: e-readers are the future and stand to make it a positive one. 

Some pointed out the e-reader's potential to overhaul an outdated print model drowning in seller returns and a glut of unused and wasted product. What the e-book means for the bookseller, particularly the independent bookseller, remains to be seen. But it wasn't that long ago that vinyl was projected to go the way of the dinosaurs and yet the vinyl record is currently enjoying a renaissance with independent record stores, the hip place to purchase both new and classic vinyl. There's no reason to believe the book and independent booksellers won't fare just as well. 

While the die-hard bibliophiles in the group were not completely sold on the e-reader, all agreed that whether in bound book or electronic form, content and the quality and production of that content is what our industry is all about.

Besides mulling the future of publishing in the digital age, there was plenty of networking and industry advice in the conversation, two things very important to those still riding out the great recession and the cutbacks and layoffs it brought. 

The next meetup is scheduled for August 24.