Tuesday, June 28, 2011

6/27 Meetup at NYU Bookstore

So after an unusual long break between meetups, we met once again at the not-so-new NYU Bookstore. For those like me, who remember what the old bookstore looked like and who never saw this bookstore before, it was a pleasant surprise; table and chairs were setup for us at the back of the store. Judith was nice enough to bring us cookies and everyone got a free drink from the coffee bar--plus fifteen percent off all purchases at the store.

There wasn't a large turnout, but this gave everyone a chance to really get into the topics/questions that came up at our popular round-robin: how do you get a new department without process set-up and what skill do you think is most useful to succeed in publishing today. Not many could advise on the first question, although Joanne suggested assigning tasks to different people and I suggested getting buy-in from department heads, choosing the most annoying/debilitating problems to "fix" first, and getting others to help with feedback and documentation. For the skills question, two-thirds surprisingly thought that networking was a skill that was not taught enough and that could help everyone in publishing.

There was plenty of space for more participants and the area where we met was conducive for conversations. Going forward, I will work with Judith to try and get this space for all coming meetups, so I hope to see you there next time. And remember to bring your alumni card to get discounts off of books, clothing, supplies, and more.

Until next time,
Karina, Joanne, and Logan